Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Wars in war

The emptiness of space on mother earth suddenly echoes with the sound of massive gunfire. The artificial fireworks of the cosmos it is, unrivaled since man went to space. Man cannot ever escape the notion of war. It is war that shape humankind for millennium, like a parasite creature in a host, waiting and growing in time for when it time to strike. The theater of war is again started by the endless echo of that massive gunfire. The third world war finally begins. BOOOMMMMM!!!!! A sound so familiar but yet so foreign to the countless people onboard the mother Ship Hope and also for some of those wonderful people, it is the last sound that they had ever heard. In the main control room, General All win were bombarded by the officer and crews with voice that a captain of a ship would never wanted to listen. "Sir, The main engine room is on blaze, Sir!" then another voice appear "Captain! Our starboard side has been hit, Damage to Hope at 35 percent!" and one other said with a confidence voice "The big gun are online Captain! And I have reports of people trap in the damage area” Calm the face of him, listening to the reports. The captain then raises his head, stand up straight and then said "Commander! Go to damage area and save the people trapped, all engineering crew repair the damage now! All remaining attacking squad repel the enemy! Battle Station!” A wonderful, brave and experience captain he is, a leader for such a warship. Now, his hope lie on the commander, who is a young man, charismatic, very loyal and trusted by General as if he was his son to help those trap people onboard the Hope.


  1. there are quite few of writing error such as the first emptyness. it should be spell like this 'emptiness'
    ehco, 'Echo"
    foriegn, "foreign"

  2. style of writing, it was like a futuristic way of writhing. it is cool.but the utilization of your punctuation mark is nearly zero..i would wish for you to use more of that.

  3. this is like the fiction type of paragraph..
    i would wish that this is a real deal..

  4. i would rather wish that you perfected your style of is a simple one..punctuation mark is essential to break the word out so that it provide a diversion so that people would have the target idea..
